Monday 14 June 2010


I haven’t done any research into this picture, clearly a cinema poster, in case what I find about either the film or the actress is a disappointment. On its own this image of a wanton young girl marinading in the juices of her own appetites is so wonderfully evocative of sin and sex and erotic promise that it’s enough on its own.

Just so you all know, I’m primarily heterosexual, but from time to time, girls too delicious to turn down come into my life, and when they do, I enjoy them to the full. As my orientation is primarily towards men, having sex with a female is like being truly happy in your own home, but periodically going away on a very special holiday somewhere hot and exotic. You are still happy to come home again, but the memory remains like a lingering perfume.

But back to the girl in the poster, not that it's going to stop me from fantasising about her, regrettably it’s clear to me that she's a girl who needs a man, a strong self assured one who will take her in hand in every way. She needs frequent and thorough spankings every day, followed by nights of endless wonderful sex.

I’m not going to write any more. Just thinking about it all, the tumbled sheets and mingling fluids, is too much. It’s sunny outside so I’m going to lie in my hammock and masturbate.

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